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Project managers and CompanyCam go together like nuts and bolts. As a project manager using CompanyCam, you’ll love the efficiency and transparency you’ll gain after setting up your first project. Let’s get started.

The project feed (below) will be the base camp for your work in CompanyCam. This is where you’ll follow real-time progress and updates of the jobs you’re managing.

From this view, you’re able to sort, filter, and favorite projects so you’re always in the know.

user guides project feed

Project managers and their type-A ways appreciate the level of detail they can add to projects in CompanyCam. These are a couple of features that our current customers utilize most:

The project notebook is where you’ll add vital info that everyone on the project may need:

  • A brief overview

  • Stakeholders and their contact information

  • Security codes, pets who will be on-site, etc.

user-guide project notes
Reminder: Projects are address-based, so you won’t need to re-enter the address in the project notebook.

This is where you’ll house important project docs, like permits and receipts.

Uploading documents is easy:

  1. From a computer, click Add Document, then drag and drop it into the window.

  2. From the app, tap Scan Document and line up your camera over what you want to upload. Once it’s lined up, the object will turn green on the screen, and CoCam will snap a picture automatically (this even works for hand-written notes).

user guide project manager - documents

Give the office printer a rest, retire your chaotic notes app (why are there so many half-finished grocery lists in there?), and standardize your job processes with Checklists in CompanyCam.

to-do lists

Why are Checklists helpful?

  1. They standardize processes. Lists can be saved as templates and added to any future projects to help ensure consistency and quality on all projects.

  2. They are fully customizable. You can organize tasks in sections, add details to individual tasks, and require photos for completion.

  3. They allow you to see progress. If you have multiple lists on multiple jobs sites, you can view overall progress without pulling people away from their work.

Checklists are also an excellent tool for training new hires on your team.

If you love post-its and hate the decline of the dewey decimal system, then labels and tags are for you.

Labels are color-coded classifications for projects. For example, you can create labels for project statuses that mirror your standard procedures: walkthrough scheduled, bid complete, in progress, on-hold.


Tags are photo-level notations that will help you sort, select, and group photographs quickly.

example of tags

Here’s a short video walking you through adding labels and tags to your project.

Miscommunication is costly. Luckily, you’ve made CoCam your single source of truth for all project-related communication. There are a few useful built-in features that you can use to streamline comms between the office, field, and project stakeholders.

mention user in collaboration

Each project has its own comments section so everyone assigned to it can stay up to date. This is especially useful for high-level updates on job progress.

Drilling down further, you can leave comments and @mentions on specific photos if you need clarification or another angle for reports. Because the comments stay attached to the photo, it reduces the chance for “oh-I-thought-you-meant” situations slowing down your progress.

user guide - project manager - comment animation

Project managers are usually the bridge between your crew and the subcontractors you partner with. That’s why it’s easy (and free) for you to add them to your projects in CompanyCam.

To add collaborators, go to your project, select Add Collaborators, then Invite a Company. From here, all you need to do is toggle their access levels, select Share Invite, and choose how you want to send it.

user guides - project manager - collaborators

If a collaborator no longer needs access to the project, it’s easy to remove them—no hard feelings.

Now you’re ready to start making your projects more collaborative, efficient, and transparent. With the power of CompanyCam + your organizational skills, you Gantt be stopped (sorry not sorry for the pun).