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We’re not like the other apps.

The #1 visual-first job site documentation app

was built by real contractors.

Co Cam Hero 2x

Let’s Go Back to the Beginning

CompanyCam’s success story started in a hipster coffee shop in Silicon Valley. Wait, no, we’re not one of those apps. CompanyCam is an app built for contractors, and our story started the only place it could’ve — on a roof.

CompanyCam’s CEO Luke was born into the contractor life. As a member of the Hansen family, he was also an employee of the Hansen family roofing business. While they were roofing houses and trying to keep everything organized, taking photos became an important part of their process. The more photos they took, the harder it was to keep them organized.

Luke set out to find a solution for their photo issues, but he came up empty-handed. That’s when the Hansens decided to build their own app. How hard could it be? But they were roofers, not software developers. So they found an engineer, explained their idea, and got down to business.

CompanyCam wasn’t built in a day. Making an app is one thing, but making it easy and enjoyable to use is another. It was tested (on their real roofing projects), adjusted, tested more, adjusted more…you get the point. The Hansens knew one thing — if the app didn’t work for them, it wasn’t going to work for anyone else. That idea propelled the app to where it is today — with 140k+ contractors and pros using it to keep their projects running smoothly.

Over 1 Billion photos have been taken in CompanyCam, and we are constantly making updates and improvements to make work (and life) easier for contractors everywhere. And we’re not done yet.

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