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Yep, we integrate with Roofr.

Automatically sync photos, roof reports, and proposals between Roofr and CompanyCam so you can close deals faster.

We're Big Roofr Fans

Roofr is the single roofing software that has all the tools a roofing business needs to effectively run their operations. Create and manage measurement reports, digital proposals, invoicing, payments, material ordering and more, all on one easy-to-use platform. Plus! Build proposals from Roofr's measurement reports in seconds while effortlessly syncing in your CompanyCam project images.

Get Photos Where
They Need to Be

CompanyCam and Roofr make it seamless to sync photos, roof reports, and proposals between the two platforms.

  • Capture all the details in one place
  • Keep everyone on the same page
  • Close deals quicker

CompanyCam + Roofr

Once you’ve connected your Roofr and CompanyCam accounts, a Job in Roofr will create a Project in CompanyCam and vice versa. Now, any photos added to the CompanyCam Project will be available to add directly to your Roofr Proposals. Any Roofr Reports and signed Roofr Proposals will also automatically sync to your CompanyCam Project so everything is available at your fingertips!

background image with CompanyCam logo

What Actually Integrates?

Signed Proposals
Project Documents
Measurement Reports
Project Documents

We'll Break It Down For You

Get your CompanyCam + Roofr integration up and running!