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Yep, we integrate with AccuLynx.

Automatically sync your CompanyCam photos, videos, and documents to the corresponding job or lead in AccuLynx.

We're Big AccuLynx Fans

AccuLynx is the roofing industry’s #1 business management software, designed to help contractors streamline every aspect of their work. Since 2008, thousands of roofing companies have turned to AccuLynx’s award-winning software to save time, simplify production, and sell more profitable jobs.

Get Photos Where
They Need to Be

CompanyCam and AccuLynx make it easy for you to ensure that a CompanyCam project is there waiting for the salesperson when they arrive at a job site, making capturing and storing this information a breeze.

  • Manage jobs seamlessly without dual data entry
  • Save time - no more manual photo uploads!
  • Keep everyone on the same page

CompanyCam + AccuLynx

Once you've connected your AccuLynx and CompanyCam accounts, whenever a new job or lead is assigned in AccuLynx, a matching project will be created in CompanyCam. Any photos, tags, videos, or documents added in CompanyCam will automatically sync back to the corresponding job in AccuLynx. 

background image with CompanyCam logo

What Actually Integrates?

Job or Lead Assigned
Project Created
Job Photos & Videos
Job Photos & Videos
Photo Tags
Photo Tags
Job Documents
Job Documents
Exported Checklist PDF Documents
Job Milestones
Project Labels

We'll Break It Down For You

Get your CompanyCam + AccuLynx integration up and running!