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CompanyCam: Your Privacy Choices

If you are a California resident, you may submit a privacy rights request using the webform below. Once we receive your request, we will confirm receipt. Depending on the type of request, we may ask you to verify your identity.

Notice of Right to Opt Out

California residents may request to exercise your privacy rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act, including directing us not to sell” or share” your Personal Information for targeted advertising or other purposes.

California residents may submit a request to exercise a privacy right by:

(855) 464‑5403


Opt-Out Preference Signal
We are in the process of deploying technology that will support an opt-out preference signal on our website. Once deployed, California residents may opt out of the sale or sharing of their Personal Information through technologies, like cookies, enabled on our website by broadcasting an opt-out preference signal, such as the Global Privacy Control (“GPC”) on the browsers and/​or browser extensions that support such a signal. To download and use a browser supporting the GPC browser signal, click here: https://globalprivacycontrol.o… . If you choose to use the GPC signal, you will need to turn it on for each supported browser or browser extension you use.


Do not include any sensitive personal information while submitting the request.

You may appoint an authorized agent to submit a request on your behalf. If you choose to use an authorized agent, the authorized agent must provide your signature showing your permission to submit requests on your behalf. We may deny a request from an authorized agent if we do not have proof that they are authorized by you to act on your behalf.

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