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Project Feed

Hungry for project updates?

Get your fill with a continuous stream of photos and videos from your crews.

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Job Site Updates on a Silver Platter

Keep a Finger in Every Pie

The project feed automatically syncs with new photos and videos captured on job sites, so you can see what’s happening across your entire business.


Get Updates Fresh, Never Frozen

All photos and videos in the field instantly sync across your entire business, making it easy for you to track progress as it happens, and hop in when you’re needed.


Cherry-Pick the Work You See

Star projects and users, rearrange your project feed, and customize what you see, so that you always have all the info you need, and none that you don’t.


Save on Gas, Ride the Gravy Train

Manage crews from anywhere. Spend less time (and money) driving from job site to job site, and more time making sure work is getting done right.


How It Works

So easy the newbie can do it. Just follow these steps!

1. Create Project

Create a project in CompanyCam for each job.

2. Add Crews

Add your crews so all the right people can see and add updates.

3. Track Progress

Check out the project feed on your phone or computer to see updates roll in from the field—no matter where you are.

4. Problem Solve

Now that you have live updates from the field, you can problem solve in real time!

Everyone Loves It!

"They see what's happening in real time and it's really exciting because everyone can see the photos that are being taken on projects - past, present, and sometimes even the future projects that are created from the office. It's great to watch the team collaborate."

David Silverstein

American Home Contractors

"If one of my coworkers worked on a project and they wanted me to look at it, I know that it's in CompanyCam. It's all right there. I don't have to give him my flash drive. I don't have to download the pictures or make copies. It's all in one place."

Kacy Ramsey

Bonick Landscaping

What Else Can I Do?

Explore more CompanyCam features.

In-App Communication
Discuss everything in one place. Provide more details about a photo or project by leaving a comment or @mentioning crew members and collaborators.
Clarify the details and provide more context or instructions by adding text, annotations, and drawings directly to your photos.
Photo & Video Capture
Document every detail of the job site with unlimited storage! Every photo and video taken in CompanyCam is time-stamped, saved by location, and visible to the whole team.

See Our Features in Action

We know better than anyone that seeing is believing.