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Keep Teams Organized: Assign Users to Checklists & Projects

Assigning Users Keeps Teams Organized and Accountable header

You’ve probably heard some version of the adage when everyone’s responsible, no one’s responsible. On jobs, it’s usually the reason why things slip through the cracks, deadlines get pushed, and confusion covers everything else.

That’s why we make it easy for you to assign projects and checklists to your teams.

It’s a simple thing, but it’s one of the highest-value activities you can add to your CompanyCam workflow:

  • You’ll see an immediate impact on communication across your business because everyone can see who’s assigned and go to them with questions.

  • You’ll experience a greater completion rate of your checklists — we’ve measured that assigned checklists result in nearly a 20% higher completion rate.

Here are a few tips and tricks to help you get started.

Assign Users to Projects

Whether it’s a single tech or a site manager overseeing a few people, decide who you want to be ultimately accountable for the documentation and work in that project:

  1. Navigate to the Project.
  2. Click Project Users, then Assign Users.
  3. Start typing their name and select Add to Project.
assign user to project in companycam

The user(s) will receive an in-app notification (as well as a banner notification if they allow notifications on their device).

Pro Tip: More than accountability, assigning users is a great, low-fi way to dispatch workers to upcoming jobs. 

Assign Users to Checklists

Once you have users assigned to projects, you can take it a step further and assign them to a checklist that outlines everything you want them to inspect, document, and complete while they’re on the job.

Assigning a user to a checklist is similar to the workflow above:

  1. Navigate to the Project.
  2. Select or add a checklist.
  3. Assign the user.
assign user to checklist in companycam

Once they’re assigned, you’ll be able to see their progress at a glance in the Checklists tab of the project and view the photos they’re capturing while working through the Checklist in the Photos tab.

Watch & Learn: All About CompanyCam Checklists

Assign Crews to Projects

As your business grows, you may start different verticals, like installation, maintenance, and warranty. And your employees will start to specialize in those areas.

This is where our Groups feature comes into play:

  1. On the desktop, click Groups on the left navigation.
  2. Select, + New Group in the top right.
  3. Then name your group and add your users.
assign crew to projects in companycam

Similar to assigning individual users, each member of the Group will receive a notification saying they were assigned to a project.

Pro Tip: Groups can be mentioned in the Project Conversation. Stop playing phone tag — @mention the Group, and they’ll all receive the message.

CompanyCam power users love assigning their users to Projects and Checklists. It’s a couple of extra clicks at the start of a job, but it immediately levels up their communication across the project timeline.

So now we’ve got an assignment for you: Go to your account, assign a user to an upcoming project, and see how simple it is.

This workflow is one of the handful of advanced features our users use to keep their projects running smoothly every day.

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Christian is known round these parts as the silent wizard — whipping out editing, researching, and strategizing skills like it’s nobody’s biz. As a Content Strategist, he stays busy assisting our Product and Activation/​Retention teams with all their content needs — all while staying as quiet as possible. (Heaven forbid he’d talk too much.) 

After work, Christian can be found hanging out with his beautiful wife Ruth, playing catch with his dog Sunday, rewatching that one Indian reality TV episode he starred in (#famous), or making dumb vides on his fine. Go on, Christian. Share your work with the class.

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