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4 Tips to Build Trust with Clients as a Landscaper


Working in landscaping has challenges: long hours, difficult weather, and being short-staffed. Let’s not forget about those clients who may make our days feel that much longer (*insert eye-roll*). Whether it’s a comment about a bid, changing details at the last minute, or finding issues every step of the way, it can be difficult to maintain a healthy relationship with your clients.

But look no further! We’ve got some quick tips to help build trust with clients for happier and long-lasting client relationships. Although these tips are tailored for landscapers, each applies to all contractors. If you are a plumber, roofer, electrician, or any other type of contractor, look no further — this blog is for you.

Clean Up Client Game Tip1

1. Time Management is a Must

The importance of time management may not come as a shock, but it is more complex than you think. Some things to keep in mind:

  1. Be on time.

  2. Be able to offer an accurate time frame of the project.

  3. Stick to the project timeline like your life depends on it.

Why are these things important? Well. These factors greatly impact potential clients’ decisions when choosing a landscaper. It also influences their interaction with your company: do they leave feeling like you valued their time, or did you waste it?

Time is money” is no joke. Giving your client a workable time frame is the first step to client-business trust. You are being honest about time and honest about money — two often taboo subjects in the industry.

Just by showing up at an agreed upon time shows respect towards your client and their time. When you start off in the giving mood, clients are more likely to reciprocate back to you. 

Show up late or not at all? The initial trust building moment has passed and not with flying colors. That trust is hard (sometimes impossible) to gain back.

You’ve been warned!

Clean Up Client Game Tip2

2. Communication is Key

Did something come up during production? Does your client want to be more involved in the work your team is doing? Did your last appointment run a little longer than expected? 

Whatever it might be, good communication is key. 

During the first meeting with your client — or even beforehand — establish communication preferences. Do they prefer email? Phone call? Do they want to follow along on CompanyCam? Being intentional with their preferences ensures their satisfaction in your communication.

Different clients will have different preferences. Some may want to see daily progress photos (this tends to be common with clients not on site). 

Others may want a daily email/​text/​phone call. A pretty landscaping before and after photo may do that trick! Then there are the few who trust you implicitly and don’t want to be contacted at all until the job is done.

In any situation, documenting your job site is still very important. Having the documentation ready to share will provide the client the opportunity to further engage with their project if they ever change their mind.

Photo documentation prevents miscommunication, too. What if you did a beautiful job laying concrete pavers, but all your client can see is how their flower bed was damaged in the process? With photo documentation, you cover your butt from a miscommunication like this. 

A photo in CompanyCam will show that, prior to starting the concrete paver project, the flower bed was damaged. The issue is now off your hands because you have a picture to prove it! 

Communication doesn’t just up your game as a landscaper, it covers your butt as a business owner. Read here about client-business transparency here. 

Clean Up Client Game Tip3

3. All-Around Quality

When it comes to a happy client, quality is the name of the game. This doesn’t just include the landscaping work your company does. It also includes the interactions you have with your clients. From initial contact to invoicing, a quality experience makes the project more enjoyable for all involved. 

What do we mean when we say quality” though?

In addition to timeliness and good communication, client-centered interactions where you’re focused on their needs and wants give you a head start in client satisfaction. They will better understand the work getting done and why the price tag attached is what it is. 

When it comes to production, quality workmanship is a win-win all around. With quality landscaping, be it building an outdoor fire pit or routine lawn maintenance, your crew members will ensure the production process doesn’t interfere with the job site cleanliness. There will be no damage done to other areas of the property. And attention to the small details—such as where to park vehicles—will be noticed by the client. 

The quality of job and consideration of their property will go a long way. 

Clean Up Client Game Tip4

4. Honesty is the Best Policy

While your clients may have some landscaping knowledge, they likely do not understand your processes beyond a basic Google search.

This lack of knowledge can put clients on the defensive from the get-go. A quick and easy way to lower those walls and help build up a trusting client-contractor relationship is to be honest when communicating with your client. Explain the reasoning behind what needs to be done, define terms that may not be commonly known outside of your field, and when clients ask you questions, be transparent in your answers. 

By being honest, you’re showing your client you value their input and take care in the work your team produces. Transparency builds trust that lasts. It will bring your clients back to you again (and again and again) for future projects. They might even refer your business to their friends.

Remember that you are not limited to these four tips. Get creative and explore opportunities to engage with your customers. Working under unpredictable or extenuating circumstances doesn’t need to determine the quality of interactions with your clients. Even when things are going poorly, communicating honestly will go a long, long way.

If you have yet to sign up for CompanyCam to help with this transparency, give it a try and take your landscaping business to the next level.

Check out our blog for more landscaping resources.

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As one of the business development representatives at CompanyCam, Nicole spends her time building and nurturing partner relationships, enhancing partner network experiences through content creation, and traveling around the country to attend trade shows. 

Outside of work, Nicole can be found with a book in hand or with an audiobook playing, doing some DIY project around her house (some more intense than others), or elbow-deep in dough for a new baking experiment.

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