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Create professional estimates and scope of work proposals

Quickly generate estimates and proposals by selecting the photos you want to share. Add descriptions to give homeowners, adjusters and admin the information they need.

No credit card and no commitment. Available on iOS and Android.

Share photo report
Photo Reports

Create comprehensive photo estimates in seconds

Creating estimates and scope of work proposals with photos is a tedious process, but CompanyCam makes it simple.


Loren Caudill - Rich Rayburn Roofing

I’m not a picture guy but this app is sick and so easy to use. I’ve been roofing for 16 years and hated taking pictures. Now I love it.”

Document Scanning

Scan receipts and contracts as PDFs and easily add them to your reports

No more hunting through email chains or text threads, collecting photos from every crew member, and waiting for them to upload to Google Drive or Dropbox.

photo-of-mark-bartolome headshot

Mark Bartolome - BK Restoration

CompanyCam helps us solve problems because we can interact with people in the field in real-time and track the progress of jobs throughout the day.”

Document scanning

30,000+ companies use CompanyCam to prove quality work and sell more services.

Project Gallery

Share unlimited photos with one link.

Send project photos to adjusters, customers, and other stakeholders with a simple link. No more annoying email attachments, complicated text conversations, or cluttered Dropbox folders.

photo-of-tyler-kimes headshot

Tyler Kime - Standard Heating & Air Conditioning

What I like is that as the GM, I can see what my team is looking at in the field. It helps to have a second set of eyes on projects because items do get missed. It also can be used as quality control from your desk!”

Video Capabilities

Sometimes a photo doesn’t cut it

A lot of times pictures just don’t adequately explain what you are trying to communicate. Videos give you more context to a project when photos and annotations aren’t enough.


Marilyn Murphy - Precision Plumbing

They are very useful, and with COVID-19 the inspectors aren’t going out to the houses, so we’re sending our [CompanyCam] pictures to the inspectors and they’re using them for inspections — very helpful.


Integrate with tools you already know and love.

It’s like hiring a kickass new employee who never takes time off.

CompanyCam does the work of multiple people in the field and at the office. Try it free for 14 days, all for less than $20/​month.

No credit card required Available on iOS, Android, and Web

Sign up for a free account.

Get your team up and running in less than 3 minutes.

No credit card required Available on iOS, Android, and Web