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How to Create and Install the Project Showcase Widget

Learn how to install the CompanyCam Showcase Widget to create and publish a visual portfolio of your projects on your website and attract more customers.

What You’ll Learn

In this video, you’ll learn how to effectively use CompanyCam to showcase your projects visually. This tool allows you to publish photos directly to your website to attract new clients.

  • Widget Installation & Permissions: Installing the CompanyCam showcase widget on your website with required admin or manager permissions.

  • Platform Navigation & Project Publishing: Navigating the CompanyCam platform to select and publish projects.

  • Project Information & Customization: Adding detailed information about your project such as project type, products used, and a customizable title.

  • Photo Selection & Cover Photo Management: Selecting and confirming photos to feature in your showcase, including choosing a cover photo.

  • Showcase Management & Editing: Managing live showcases, including editing, updating, or disabling them directly from your website.

Using the CompanyCam Showcase Widget will allow you to seamlessly integrate your project photos into your website using the CompanyCam showcase feature, enhancing your marketing efforts and showcasing your work to potential clients.

Additional Resources

For more detailed instructions, explore our how-to guide: How to Create and Publish a Showcase for your Website.

Discover 7 Reasons Contractors Love Using Showcases to learn more about how businesses like yours use Showcases to elevate their website portfolio.

See how real contractors are growing their business with case studies and data that illustrate the powerful outcomes of using showcases in CompanyCam’s Showcases Reveal Real-World Results.

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