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CompanyCam’s Showcases Reveal Real-World Results


Meaningful software for any business should make a real tangible impact. BluePagesPro founder Chris Scoville recently shared how CompanyCam’s showcases have provided concrete results and more meaningful outcomes. The big key for Scoville and his company is how easy it is to show versus just tell.

Whether you’re a business owner or just a general consumer, nothing is more valuable than the truth. 

That truth is what you search for when deciding what to purchase, who to hire for a job, or which tools and technology will be the best investment. 

You want to see it for yourself. Real-world examples bring more value than a traditional written testimonial. 

BluePagesPro founder Chris Scoville recently shared a few real-life examples of how CompanyCam showcases saved money and time, and most importantly, showcased the unfiltered truth when it mattered most.

The Proof Is in the Showcase

Testimonials are fantastic, but the only issue with them is they can be fake.” 

Chris Scoville — the founder of BluePagesPro, a valued partner of CompanyCam — sat back in his chair and began with this sentence. 

CompanyCam’s showcases have been a game-changer for Scoville and his customers because the core function is focusing on truth and transparency with every project. 

They’re starting to not believe [written testimonials] because they hear these stories about people buying their reviews, right,” Scoville said. And then even bad reviews, are they real, or is it just somebody that had a bad day?

The beautiful thing we love about showcase galleries and how CompanyCam brings projects to life is you can’t lie. You’ve got the beginning of the project, the middle, and the end—which is a complete story. 

It’s the hook, the line, and the sinker, all in one.”

Scoville explained that replacing landing pages that traditionally housed written testimonials with showcases puts real factual data to show how a project turned out.” 

Then there’s a lot of stories you can tell around that because you’ve got interesting projects and beautiful projects that have been completed. There are a lot of things that happen when you meet a customer and you’re looking at what their dream might be, to what the actual project shows and then what it turns out to be.”

We love that.”


Connectivity Connects to Cost-Saving

CompanyCam has continued to show transparent value to Scoville in several real-world ways — especially when he found how productive a pair of CompanyCam users could be in getting important things done. 

A real-life situation happened just a few months ago where a contractor called me and said, Hey Chris, we need to get this project funded,’” Scoville began. I shot him a note and said, Cool, hey do you use CompanyCam?’

He said, Yeah’ so I told him to send me all the file pictures, the copy of the contract, and the final permit. We had them paid in seven and a half minutes on a $65,000 project.

The beautiful thing we love about showcase galleries and how CompanyCam brings projects to life is you can’t lie. You’ve got the beginning of the project, the middle, and the end — which is a complete story. It’s the hook, the line, and the sinker, all in one.” - Chris Scoville, BluePagesPro Founder

So if we didn’t have the CompanyCam pictures and we didn’t have a record of showing start to finish, would he have gotten paid in 7 minutes? Maybe.

But we would have probably had to go back and forth with the homeowner and then we would’ve had to send the contractor out to take pictures of the glass and then he would have sent them in in the PDF… It just would have been a nightmare.

Because he was so organized and then everything was in the file, he was paid. I think that the real story of this is how this tool can not just help you organize your business and do everything that CompanyCam does really well, but here’s how it can get you paid.”

Straight-forward Solutions

Adding a new piece of software to an already large web of integrations can be a hefty task for a business owner and their team.

Scoville says between CompanyCam’s showcases and other features, BluePagesPro can keep things simplistic in a time where rising costs, connectivity complications, and software options are common challenges for contracting businesses. 

In this day and age, these contractors need help with efficiency, systems, and processes, and because this tool is very specific to solving those particular problems in a geofence, staying organized, developing systems and processes for their business, it’s in line with everything that they also need to be adding to it,” Scoville said. 

You can always glue a bunch of services together to make things work. All of the systems may work, but if they’re not speaking to each other properly, they’re not efficient and there’s no system in process for that.”

The beautiful thing about CompanyCam is the fact that it’s all under one roof (minus the pun) and the fact that the tools work together to keep these guys efficient from the systems to the process to the geo-tracking and everything else that’s necessary for them to grow their business.”

I think that the real story of this is how this tool can not just help you organize your business and do everything that CompanyCam does really well, but here’s how it can get you paid.” - Chris Scoville, BluePagesPro Founder

Scoville feels efficiency improvement efforts are increasingly imperative given the current economic climate. Contractors are battling higher material costs and general supply issues that affect some trades more than others.

Anything that improves productivity helps offset today’s headwinds.

People need to become super efficient and lean in their businesses to be profitable with good margins nowadays,” Scoville said.

The more you can help a contractor become efficient, the more money they’re going to make. The more organized they are, the less time they have to spend on organizing clunky pieces.

If [software] is not efficient, you can make it work but it’s not a good way to grow your business.”


The partnership between BluePagesPro and CompanyCam, specifically with the showcases feature, has been mutually beneficial for both businesses. 

Scoville says the reaction he gets from his customers about how quickly showcases can be implemented to their current websites says it all. 

A contractor recently bought a BluePage, and we turned and burned a showcase gallery less than 12 hours from inception,” Scoville said. 

We sent the automated process that we built for CompanyCam Showcases to the contractor. He took the snippet in the code, passed it back to us, and we launched and built it on his site. 

He was like, My mind is blown – how did you guys do it so quickly?’ So when I said we’re going to develop the system in this process that’s going to simplify helping these guys build these showcase galleries with CompanyCam, we went to the whiteboard and we delivered on it.

And I think that our customers that we’ve done the snippet and moved it over and built them out, they’re super, super happy.”

Ready to showcase your own real-world results?

Suppose it’s time to find out even more about what CompanyCam’s showcases can do for your business. In that case, you can dive into even more in-depth details of the feature and our step-by-step instructions on how easy it is to feature showcases on your website. 

About BluePagesPro:

BluePagesPro helps connect homeowners with local home improvement service professionals with no lead fees or friction. We accomplish this through our online digital directory and robust listing landing pages.

Each BluePagePro listing is designed with conversion tools to help move a prospect from just-looking” to, let’s schedule a demo or consultation.”

Whether offering a Financing promotion, Virtual Estimate, or Special Offer, our tools are designed to move your customers through a very efficient and easy process.

Through our integrations, partnerships, and recommendations, we are bringing you the best software solutions in the industry. If you are not on the map, get on the map today.

Part of the amazing Content Strategy team at CompanyCam, John is a Senior Content Strategist and focuses on crafting and delivering value to contractors and their businesses through content. When he’s not thinking about the next great idea to share with the world, he enjoys building and playing guitars, working on classic cars/​trucks, playing golf (sometimes well), and spending time with his family.

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