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Celebrating Excellence: 2024 Q3 CompanyCam Franchise Awards


We are excited to announce the winners of the 2024 Q3 CompanyCam Franchise Awards, recognizing the outstanding achievements of franchisees who have utilized CompanyCam’s features to their fullest potential. 

This quarter’s recipients have exemplified dedication to both job site management and customer satisfaction, setting a high bar for excellence.

Jobsite Expert Award

Jobsite Expert Badge Q3

This award recognizes franchises that have shown incredible diligence in managing job sites. These winners used CompanyCam’s core features — creating the most projects, capturing the highest number of photos, and utilizing checklists to ensure everything’s accounted for.

Their focus on documentation and project management has been second to none. Congratulations to:

Customer Ally Award

Customer Ally Badge Q3

The Customer Ally Award celebrates franchisees who prioritize customer satisfaction. These winners excel at providing transparency and communication by utilizing before and after photos, creating gallery links, and integrating customer details into their projects. 

They ensure every client enjoys a smooth, seamless experience from start to finish. We’re proud to recognize:

Top Franchise Award

Top Franchise Badge Q3

Our highest honor, the Top Franchise Award, goes to those who have fully embraced CompanyCam’s features across the board. These winners excel in every aspect, incorporating robust internal documentation while also fostering customer communication and collaboration. 

Their dedication to maximizing CompanyCam on every project truly sets them apart. Congratulations to:

A big round of applause to all the winners! Your commitment to excellence is what makes you leaders in your industry, and we can’t wait to see what you accomplish next. 

Stay tuned for the next round of awards, and keep pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with CompanyCam!

Claire is CompanyCam’s in-house home services franchise expert, helping franchisors and franchisees develop the right tech and processes to level up their business.

When she’s not presenting on the importance of job site documentation or pitching the app at a trade show, Claire is drinking in the California sun — hiking, camping, and snapping photos.

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