Save an hour a day, every day. is a game-changing platform for managing field service businesses, featuring a unique blend of tools to automate and grow any field service business. From tracking leads to closing deals, serviceminder helps you stay on top of everything. And if you are a franchisor of a field service business, serviceminder helps you track, support and grow all your locations. + CompanyCam Integration
CompanyCam photos are sent to automatically using the user and project location coordinates. This allows photos to intelligently be loaded to the proper appointments. In the serviceminder CompanyCam integration settings it will allow you to create a new CompanyCam project to be created automatically. If Auto-project Creation is enabled, serviceminder will either look for, or create a project when you start an appointment.
What is CompanyCam?
Handy at every step of the process.
We designed CompanyCam to grow with your company.

Take your photos directly in the app and they’ll be organized by project location and date.

Every photo you take is stored securely in the cloud, so no space is eaten up on your phone.

Comment and annotate photos directly in the app, so you can have conversations that don’t get lost in the shuffle.

Send galleries to customers, generate reports for insurance claims and keep everyone on the same page.