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What are you waiting for? Signing up today through RoofersCoffeeShop guarantees you a free 14-day trial of CompanyCam AND 25% off your first two months. Sign up below and let’s get to work!

Save an hour a day, every day.
What is CompanyCam?
Handy at every step of the process.
We designed CompanyCam to grow with your company.

Take your photos directly in the app and they’ll be organized by project location and date.

Every photo you take is stored securely in the cloud, so no space is eaten up on your phone.

Comment and annotate photos directly in the app, so you can have conversations that don’t get lost in the shuffle.

Send galleries to customers, generate reports for insurance claims and keep everyone on the same page.
Popular CompanyCam Features
CoCam’s reports were designed to help you look real professional, real quick. Just select which project and photos you want to use, and in minutes you’ll have a shareable PDF and URL to send to customers or adjusters. With our latest addition of mobile reports, you can create reports directly from the app while you’re in the field, meaning you can sell jobs and send contracts fast. If you’re sending insurance and warranty reports, you can handle those before you even leave the job site. Boom.

Showcases are the BEST way to show potential clients what you’re made of. You can take a project directly from CompanyCam–with all the nitty-gritty before pics, progress shots, and the finished product–and add it as a timeline directly to your website. Now, when folks visit your page to check out the services you offer, they can see real projects your team has completed and be wowed by the final result. You can even categorize your project types, making it easy for people visiting your website to see exactly what they want.

With Checklists in CompanyCam, you can create unique to-dos for any and every project you want. You can assign to-dos to specific users and even require that a photo be taken within the task to make extra sure it got done.

Before & Afters
Before and After photos are another great way to highlight the projects your crew has completed. Take your before or in-progress photos from the project, select a snazzy photo of the final product, use our fancy shmancy overlay tool, and create and share a perfectly templated before and after photo. You can quickly share them on your social media, text it to the customer, email it–your options are endless!

In addition to unlimited photos, Pro users can also take unlimited videos in CompanyCam. You can take as many two-minute videos as your heart desires to capture all the intricacies that photos just don’t cover. Weird noises, dripping, need to talk through a problem you ran into? Video is your answer.

Drew Smith - Brad Smith Roofing
“CompanyCam has definitely helped our communication, without a doubt. Everything in this business is urgent; it’s about how fast you can put your eyeballs on a situation and come up with a solution.”

Zach Clarke - White Castle Roofing
“I used to make hundreds of phone calls every day just to keep up to speed with the progress of our jobs. Now I’ve cut that in half and know twice as much!”

Dusty Rieck - Sandhill Roofing LLC
“The ease of use, the instant photo sharing and labeling makes our work a lot easier to communicate with homeowners, property management and crews.”

Paul Martin - Tarrant Roofing
“I absolutely love this app. It is awesome.”
Josh Herbst - Alden Roofing
“We’re pumped. CompanyCam is simple to use and it’s saving us money.”

Richie Harvey - Recover Green Roofs
“Now that I’m using CompanyCam, I don’t have to rely on Dropbox to store my photos. CompanyCam takes care of everything instantly and stores every photo in the cloud— not on my phone!”
Thomas Shores - 214 Roofing
“Man I love it. It’s real easy to use and very intuitive. Set me free to do what I need to help my company prosper. Thanks for the great app. Changed my life, seriously!”

Mike Hansen - White Castle Roofing
“Any time everybody is on the same page, you’re going to grow your business. CompanyCam makes that way easier for us in every respect.”
Loren Caudill - Rich Rayburn Roofing
“I’m not a picture guy but this app is sick and so easy to use. I’ve been roofing for 16 years and hated taking pictures. Now I love it.”

Sean Drake - Arry's Roofing Services
“With CompanyCam, we’re able to bring the customer “on top of the roof”. We share a project link with the customer so they can see live updates of our progress and the customer doesn’t have to worry about anything.”

Trevor Leeds - Chandler's Roofing
“CompanyCam helps us get the right information to the right person, fast! It’s an invaluable communication tool for our business.”

John Cotten - John Cotten Roofing
“I use this for my roofing company and it’s well worth the money! GAME CHANGER!”

Cody Kline - Jagg Premium Roof Systems
“We love CompanyCam. It’s the best thing we’ve done for our business yet.”

Rodney Finglass - ImproveIT Of Atlanta
“We’ve had to take pictures of everything. We’ve gone from traditional cameras to dropbox to CompanyCam. The ease of use is tremendous. If you can use a cell phone, you can use CompanyCam.”

Wade Tutt - Paramount Loss Consulting
“We just did a $4.3mil claim where I copy and pasted the timeline link on the back of my claims package shared over 700 photos to the carrier in one click. Before CompanyCam I would have had to manually send a bunch of emails and attach 20 photos per email.”

Ryan Ziemba - Service Works Roofing
My company has been using this app for about 3 months now. I’ve been roofing for 15 years and having to take pictures and get pictures printed was a pain in the ass, but this is so much easier to use. Especially when you travel in the roofing industry love this app
Chris Manion - Extreme Roofing Solution LLC
“My team and I absolutely love this app. My sales team can take a picture while standing on a roof and I can see it instantly on my desktop in the office. We like that the photos don’t stay on your phone, but go immediately to the cloud. I highly recommend this to every contractor.”
Trevor Leeds - Chandler's Roofing
“Easy to use and understand. The ability to capture data in real-time, date-stamped, geo-targeted, and archived in the cloud for our office to instantly manage, comment, & use for business decisions is priceless. The CompanyCam team is dedicated to being the best in-the-field data capture platform. I highly recommend trying it… You won’t be disappointed!”
Jennifer Cole - Cherry Roofing
“I am the office manager of a rapidly growing roofing company and this app has changed my life! To have all of our photos in one place AND be able to invite clients to see their job being done in real-time has been a complete game-changer! I can not recommend this app enough.”

Dusty Rieck - Sandhill Roofing LLC
“La facilidad de uso, el intercambio instantáneo de fotos y las etiquetas hacen que nuestro trabajo sea mucho más fácil de comunicar con los propietarios, la administración de propiedades y el personal.”

Tim Conland - Reliant Roofing, Inc.
CampanyCam is easy to use and gives me eyes in the field over multiple projects instantaneously. It is also helps me communicate to my customer by showing them what our crews completed and when.

Chris Martin - Martin Roofing & Remodeling
Simple, organized, time-saving, huge value-added app. This is a phenomenal tool that helps earn a prospective customer’s trust right off the bat when we send them PDF reports with comments right from the truck/field after inspecting their roof. Homeowners/customers love the ability to check in on jobs when we share the project timeline link to see the progress made when we are replacing their roofs, providing them confidence that we are doing as we promise. I highly recommend this app for ALL contractors.

Chris Martin - Martin Roofing & Remodeling
Simple, organized, time-saving, huge value-added app. This is a phenomenal tool that helps earn a prospective customer’s trust right off the bat. I highly recommend this app for ALL contractors.
Owner - PCS Residential
CompanyCam is the best photo documentation product that I’ve used in my 13-year career. Simple, Intuitive, and Productive.