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Positioning is Everything (Ft. Stan Bastek of Atlas Roofing-Shingles) #016
Is baking in extra fees an asset to the growth & reputation of your company? As Taco ‘Bout It Season 3 kicks off, we address the elephant in the room — how much is too much? Listen in to hear more about customer urgency, added company value, and the ability to scale. // Michael is joined this week by Stan Bastek, the National Sales Director at Atlas Roofing-Shingles.
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Process, Process, Process (Ft. Jake Dempsey of JobNimbus) #018
“Business is a science,” according to Jake. It isn’t enough to build a company off mere customer interaction. You need fine-tuned processes… and you need a lot of them. Listen to find out why. // Michael is joined this week by Jake Dempsey, the Evangelist at JobNimbus.
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