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Taco Bout It Recap: Creating a 5‑Star Experience


Season 2 of Taco Bout It is here! This season we’re talking with partners, integrators, and customers about everything under the sun. From crafting processes for your business to handling insurance claims and preparing for storms, we cover it all. We’re stoked to get this season started!

Our first guest for Season 2 is Laura Nelson from Broadly. Broadly may sound familiar if you attended Highway to Hail, but to cover our bases, Broadly works with businesses to generate reviews and connect with customers in a way that drives new business. 

Creating a 5‑star experience for your customers doesn’t just mean doing great work. Customers don’t just care about the finished product — although that’s still preeetty important — they also care about how the company they’re working with treats them, communicates with them, and follows up with them. So, you’ve got the excellent finished product’ portion of things in the bag, but how do you go about making the rest of the process just as wonderful for your customers? 

Understanding your customers is critical, but how do you know what a customer wants and needs from you? Start by getting to know your customer base. Do they primarily shop for services online? Do they do a lot of research before booking? Do they trust online reviews or friends’ recommendations? Knowing where your customers are looking and what they value in that step of the process is crucial to building a 5‑star experience for them from start to finish. 

If your customers are shopping online before booking — which they probably are, it’s 2019 after all — a HUGE must for your company is to make a clean, easy to look at and easy to navigate website. How do you know it’s a good website? You don’t even notice it. If your website is confusing or outdated, customers will notice and they will leave. A good website has all the pertinent information a potential customer could be looking for, laid out in a clean and simple way that makes it easy for them to go from looking at the services you offer to booking you for a bid or job. 

Your website should also be a place where you showcase the work you’ve done and what happy customers have said. Seeing is believing, so photos and customer testimonials are your best friend when it comes to reeling in new business. 

With form, comes function. So in addition to making your site look nice, it should also have features that make your customers’ lives easier. Having features like email forms and instant chats go a long way. Giving potential customers the ability to communicate in the way that best suits them and their schedule is hugely important. Getting on a phone call just to ask a simple question is a thing of the past. Instant chats and chatbots make it super simple for potential customers to get the answers they need as quickly as possible. 

But this shouldn’t stop after the initial research phase, it should continue throughout the duration of the process. Most customers and homeowners want to be in-the-know on the progress being made, but the majority can’t drop everything in their day to hop on a call or swing by the site. Setting an expectation with customers that you’ll keep them in the loop throughout the day is something that can really set you apart from the competition. 

Sharing CompanyCam project timelines and galleries with customers is a great way to keep them informed of everything going on at their home while they’re not there. Being able to see the scope of work going into a project makes homeowners more appreciative of the work you’ve done, and knowing that they get to see what’s getting done as it happens gives them peace of mind. 

At CompanyCam, we’ve seen it time and time again in conversations we’ve had with our own customers. That extra piece of communication often sets them miles ahead of the competition, simply because the homeowner feels like they’re being made a priority.

You know what customers do when they’re happy with a job, loved their service, and felt important the whole way through? They leave a GREAT review for your business!

While getting good reviews shouldn’t be your end-goal when dealing with customers, it’s a really nice perk that comes with treating people well. When you create a 5‑star experience with customers from start to finish, it makes it a lot easier for them to leave you a 5‑star review.

Broadly, in addition to its lead generation and management services, helps you follow up with happy customers and collect those reviews that Google loves so much. With an automated follow up process through Broadly, you can ensure that no customer gets forgotten. Through the various CRM integrations Broadly has set up, as soon as a job is paid you can set up an automated request for a review and collect that feedback in a timely manner.

The more solid reviews you have, the more visits that beautiful website of yours will get, and the more visits you get, the more business you get. So, don’t forget to follow up and ask for that feedback — it’ll only serve you well. 

Huge thanks to Laura Nelson and Broadly for joining us this week on Taco Bout It! 

Stay tuned for more episodes and blogs this season. 

Jordan Small is a Product Marketing Manager, focused on integrations. She spends her days working alongside our Product team and our industry partners to create impactful content and experiences to educate our CompanyCam users and drive feature adoption. When she clocks out, Jordan enjoys losing at darts, watching stand up comedy specials, and attempting to convince everyone she’s a real 90’s kid.

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