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Stop Being Stupid” — A Conversation With Cherry Roofing


A few months ago, Jennifer Cole’s CoCam review caught our eye. Stating that CompanyCam is a game-changer for Cherry Roofing, Jennifer also said the roofers aren’t the only ones who were using the app. As the office manager, Jennifer uses it too. 

We called Jennifer on the phone and discussed with her how and why office managers can also benefit from CompanyCam.

What is your role at Cherry Roofing?

I have been with Cherry Roofing for the last 5 years. My fiancé owns the company. His father passed away and left the company to him. It has been in his family since 1954, actually! 

Because it has been around for a while, the company has developed several bad habits. They weren’t documenting everything as they should. I was the one who introduced photo documentation to the office. 

They were always taking photos of wood, but they’d get lost — no one ever knew which photo was on which phone. It was a nightmare!

How do you use CompanyCam for your office management purposes?

We use CompanyCam for a little bit of everything. The other day, I needed to know the fund and toll passes in all of our vehicles. So, I just had someone go out to every vehicle and just take a picture using CompanyCam. 

Now all our important information, such as these passes, is in one place. CompanyCam is super convenient. We are just so happy to have it. It has made our lives so much easier.

What initially brought you to CompanyCam?

I have Lynne from Earl W. Johnston Roofing to thank for that! We were doing a charity project together for a single mom in need of major house improvements. Many Florida companies joined together and donated material and time. 

During that project, I saw Lynne Johnston taking photos. And Lynne said, We will put these photos on CompanyCam and send you the link. You have CompanyCam, right?” And I said, I have no idea what you are talking about.”

So she showed it to me and I immediately got interested. CompanyCam was right up our alley. And you guys have a reasonable monthly price! It was everything I was looking for to keep our company more organized.

What was your photo/​organization process before CompanyCam?

The project manager would take photos on their phone at the site, then go back to the office, find the pictures, print them, and make sure they got into the right files. Sometimes they wouldn’t get into the right files. It was a nightmare! 

But now it is so convenient we don’t have to take up memory on our phone to save the pictures. Everything is just in one general location. Sharing the project links has been awesome! Our customers are over-the-moon about that.

Tell me about an​“aha” moment when you realized the CompanyCam app was going to be a game-changer?

It was probably the very first time I used it. I was showing people in the office, and the Cherry Roofing owner said, Are you kidding?!” I said, No!” And he said, This is going to change everything.” And I said, I know!” 

Of course, most of the workers were apprehensive at first — it can be hard to learn something new. Many were content with their current system, but I said, It is not working efficiently.” So once they all realized how easy and user friendly the app was, everything changed.

Which feature of CompanyCam do you think provides the most benefit to office managers?

The share gallery feature. You can pick which pictures you want to share. I deal mostly with the invoicing or partners, so being able to show somebody their whole repair from start to finish is amazing.

What would you say to companies that are on the fence about using CompanyCam? 

I would say, really in any industry, but mainly in construction — you’d be silly not to use it. CompanyCam is also compatible with many different apps and software, such as CRM. Basically, I would say, Stop it! Stop being stupid. Just pull the trigger. This is worth it.”

Click HERE to start organizing your business with CompanyCam.

Cherry Roofing is one of the most trusted and reliable Roofing Contractors in South Florida. They have been servicing all the Dade and Broward Counties in residential and commercial properties for over 60 years. Being a proud family-owned and operated business, Cherry Roofing is committed to top-quality customer service and satisfaction.

Learn more at their website.

As the Brand Strategist at CompanyCam, Micki builds compelling narratives about those in the trades, researches brand positioning opportunities, strategizes effective distribution of content materials, interviews customers, and meets all the cool influencers at trade shows. After work, Micki can be found watching FIFA highlights, analyzing drama from The Bachelor, trying out new recipes, and lecturing her incorrigible cat, Tommy. It’s the little things.

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