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New Stickers Update


A picture is worth a thousand words, but a picture on top of a picture is worth one thousand and one” —Ghandi (probably)

You may have noticed in the last week that we’ve added a few new stickers within the app.

Moving forward, we’ll be creating more trade-specific stickers, so whether you’re in roofing, restoration, HVAC, and plumbing — or any other trade — you’ll have the stickers you need.

Which is why we’re asking for your feedback.
We want to make sure the content we create is helpful to you.

Email us at marketing@​companycam.​com
or message us on Facebook with:

  • your industry
  • what stickers you would like to see created
  • the best mailing address for you 

Stephanie is a former CompanyCamper, who fulfilled the role of Marketing Project Manager.

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