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5 Not-As-Obvious Reasons to Attend Blueprint

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Blueprint 2023 is our professional development day for contractors of all trades. You might already know the obvious reasons to attend — like leveling up your business, gaining industry insights, and networking. Here are the not-so-obvious reasons! 

#1: Invest in Yourself and Your Employees

Continuous learning is the key to success! But somehow it always ends up getting pushed aside for the more urgent daily tasks required to keep a business running. The only way self-development happens is when you choose to prioritize it, then follow through — and taking the time to attend a conference is a perfect way to do that. 

Bringing your employees to Blueprint is also a great way to show them what your priorities are and that you care about their growth, too.

Basically, your business isn’t going to grow on accident. Taking the time to create a solid plan for growth is crucial, and Blueprint is a great place to start that plan! 

#2: Prevent Burnout

Doing the exact same thing every day, especially when it’s stressful, can quickly lead to burnout. If you or your employees are burnt out, it’ll come back to haunt your business one way or another — nobody does their best work when they are just going through the motions. There are a variety of ways to battle burnout, but one way is to take a step back and get a fresh perspective. 

Escape the daily grind of your to-do list, and get away from your desk to think about the bigger picture. You’ll all return to work with renewed excitement and enthusiasm about your industry! 

#3: Save Some Serious Dough

It’s important to keep up with industry trends so that you don’t fall behind your competition, but conferences of this type are often hundreds or thousands of dollars to attend for entry alone. With Blueprint, you can get your whole team to a conference without spending your entire professional budget for the year. We even have a discount for you for reading this blog — use code CAMFAM for 50% off your tickets!

Plus your tickets include food and drinks for the day! Speaking of which, that takes us to our next reason: 

#4: Eat and Drink 

Your ticket to Blueprint includes lunch, coffee, and an open bar. The lunch isn’t a dry sandwich and one of those teeny bags of chips, either — we only feed our guests stuff we’d actually want to eat. 

You’ll need the lunch and coffee to keep you fueled up and energized for all the learning you’ll be doing, but we don’t really have an excuse for the open bar (other than, you know, we wanted to drink with you). 

#5: Beef Up Your Resume

Whether you need some pizzazz in your bio, or your resume is a bit bland, attending conferences is a great way to show what you are all about. It demonstrates that you are willing to do all the things we talked about above — invest in yourself, take time to prioritize learning, and get a fresh perspective. 

That’s something that will make you stand out from the crowd, whether you are applying to be a speaker, up for an award, leveraging a raise or a promotion, or applying for a job.

Get Your Blueprint Tickets 

Whether you want to attend Blueprint for the industry insights or the open bar, we’re excited to see you! Get your tickets today, and use the discount code CAMFAM for 50% off! 

Blueprint 2023 Tickets 

As the copywriter on the content team, Marge spends her time trying to find clear, concise, and consistent words to describe CompanyCam. When she isn’t writing copy for a landing page, trying to craft the perfect feature description, or editing emails, Marge is probably taking a personality quiz or telling someone about a personality quiz she took (she’s an INFP and an Enneagram 4). She lives with her husband Nate and their cat Virgil above a bar, and her favorite activities include re-reading Harry Potter, re-watching Gilmore Girls, and re-gretting her latest impulse buy.

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