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Documenting Your Job Like A Crime Scene #014
If you took the time and effort to document all of your jobs as thoroughly as crime scene photographers, would the return on that hard work be worth it? How much could you earn in maximized claims? // This episode of the CompanyCast features Jeremy Gilstrap of Dreamworks Restoration Contractors.
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Positioning is Everything (Ft. Stan Bastek of Atlas Roofing-Shingles) #016
Is baking in extra fees an asset to the growth & reputation of your company? As Taco ‘Bout It Season 3 kicks off, we address the elephant in the room — how much is too much? Listen in to hear more about customer urgency, added company value, and the ability to scale. // Michael is joined this week by Stan Bastek, the National Sales Director at Atlas Roofing-Shingles.
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