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Water Cooler Tips: Integrate CompanyCam with Anything


We’re back with another Water Cooler Tip! Today we’re showing you how you can get CompanyCam and any CRM software to work together.

Now, CompanyCam has a ton of awesome integrations already, and more on the way, but if we don’t work with the system you use there’s a super easy way to hack it together. 

For this tip, all you have to do is repurpose the unique project URLs in CompanyCam.

Simply go into the CompanyCam web app, select your project, highlight the unique project URL at the top of your browser, and copy the link. 

Then, go into your CRM and find a home for that link, whether it’s in the description, a website field, or in a notes field. 

Now, when you open the project in your CRM you’ll have instant access to all the photos you took at the job site with CompanyCam making it quick and easy to keep track of it all.

As always, if you have any ideas for Water Cooler Tips or integrations for CompanyCam to pursue don’t hesitate to reach out and let us know!

Jordan Small is a Product Marketing Manager, focused on integrations. She spends her days working alongside our Product team and our industry partners to create impactful content and experiences to educate our CompanyCam users and drive feature adoption. When she clocks out, Jordan enjoys losing at darts, watching stand up comedy specials, and attempting to convince everyone she’s a real 90’s kid.

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