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The Insurance Game: Preparing A Solid Business Plan


Let me guess, you got into contracting because you heard about all the joys of the Insurance Game.” …Or maybe it was completely the opposite. Would it be safe to say that when insurance jobs come about, you are torn between the pending payday and the struggle of actually getting that job paid for?

You aren’t alone, in fact, many contractors won’t even entertain the notion of doing an insurance job. Let’s dive a little deeper into why, and come up with a solid scouting report that will have you ready to win the insurance game.

For the last 11 years I have coached football and basketball. I have had a lot of success and equally as much (if not more) failure. To be honest, the failures are what have defined my overall success as a coach. It should come as no surprise that I’m going to use my sports expertise and coaching to paint a picture that will help you succeed as a contractor.

The first thing that any good coach will say is that you have to know your team and your team’s strengths. In this case, here are the players you for sure have and some that you may want to think about adding:

  1. Contractor/​Owner — Quarterback: Gets the sexy” job, but also bears the most pressure.
  2. Home/​Business Owner — Offensive Coordinator: They are ultimately the ones calling the shots.
  3. Sales/​Project Managers/​Foreman — WR/RB: These are the guys who you are handing things off to.
  4. Labor/​Office Manager/​Office Staff — O‑Line: These folks are doing the work so your team can close and finish deals.
  5. Adjusters, 3rd Party Claim Companies, etc. — Defense

After looking at the list, I would assume most of you have jobs 1 – 4 covered. The two questions you need to ask yourself are:

1) Do we have the right people doing the right things or is one position doing too much or too little?

2) Do we have a defense? If we do, are they going to keep our opponents from scoring? (In other words, are they going to keep the insurance company from denying the claim or decreasing the amount you get?)


In the Insurance Game, it is imperative that you go in with a solid game plan and that everyone on your team is well-versed in their job. Once it becomes second nature for each department on what their jobs are and how and why they are so important, your company will work like a well-orchestrated unit. By nailing this plan, you will be selling and completing job after job. The only issue you will run in to at this point is ensuring these jobs are getting paid.

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This is where your defense (or lack thereof) comes into play. As a young coach, this was where I spent the least time. I wanted to score as many touchdowns as possible, just as I am sure you want to get as many new jobs as possible.

It wasn’t until I decided to place an emphasis on defense that my teams really started seeing great success. I didn’t have time to devote to a defensive game plan, so I had to rely on a defensive coordinator to do this for me. I had to learn to trust him, and in turn, my teams have been much more successful. Is your company lacking on the defensive side of the ball? Do you have the personnel and companies in place to handle everything the insurance company is going to throw at you? Make sure you have someone in-house, or at least on speed dial, that is an expert in the following areas:

  1. Appraisal Process
  2. Public Adjusting
  3. Legal Recourse
  4. Invoicing/​Collection

Having a defense that compliments your offense is crucial to handling insurance claims. Some companies can easily handle all of the defensive parts of a claim, while others use third parties. CompanyCam has developed numerous relationships with third parties that are very capable in helping with the claims process. BalanceClaims, SFY, and Paramount Adjusters are all great to have on speed dial no matter what size your company is. Think of these third parties as part of your team, and don’t be afraid to use them to help win the Insurance Game”.

In short, when playing the Claims Game,” it is imperative to remember a few key things:

  1. Document everything
  2. Stay organized
  3. Communicate effectively
  4. Have patience
  5. Keep selling

Implementing your insurance game plan will pay dividends in the long run. Using the right tools will help you every step of the way.

If you want to learn more, get the synopsis here in the Scouting Report. What tips did we miss? Drop a comment below with your advice on winning the insurance game.”

Michael spends most of his days out of the office traveling for shows, seminars, and speaking engagements. He’s the guy running our webinars, explaining what CompanyCam is on the tradeshow floor, and convincing you that you need this app. When he’s not busy keeping the Business Development team in line, Michael spends time attending live sporting events, hangin’ with his kids and wife, and drinking copious amounts of diet soda. 

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