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CompanyCam Class Recap: What We’ve Launched (So Far) in 2024

Companycam class recap what weve launched so far in 2024 header

In a recent class, we showed off all the new features and functionality we’ve added to Companycam! If you’re here just for the video replay, scroll down toward the bottom, and you’ll find it.

How many of these new features have you added to your workflow this year?

✔️ Pages

We created Pages to be your freeform space for collecting and organizing your project photos, notes, and details. Use it to instantly create editable and collaborative materials lists, daily logs, work, or estimates that you can instantly share with customers.

Get Started: If you’re unsure how to use this feature, head to the pages tab and build a Page with one of our templates, which will prefill the Page with an outline and project information.

✔️ AI Trial: AI Notes & Quick Caption

Recently, we launched our AI Trial featuring AI Notes and Quick Caption.

AI Notes are the quickest way to create custom Pages. With this feature, all you need to do is talk while you capture photos, and our AI tool will automatically organize your job site walkthrough into a bulleted list of instructions and notes — complete with photos.

Quick Caption saves your team a lot of time adding photo descriptions. As you capture photos, you can tap the Description button and describe what needs to be noted in the photo.

✔️ Project Tasks

Project Tasks are your go-to for creating quick materials or punch lists needed on the job.

Tasks are located in the mobile app and on the web, so anyone in the field or office can quickly add items your team needs to address.

Pro Tip: You can create Tasks from a photo or video. So, as you review job site photos, you can quickly add Tasks from the photos that show up on the main project screen where your team can easily act on them.

✔️ Map This Photo

If you need a refresher on which project the photo belongs to, Map This Photo will be your favorite new tool.

This mobile-only feature allows you to view the location of the photo quickly. When viewing a photo, tap the map icon, and a map of the area will open up, showing:

  • project name

  • project address

  • user who captured the photo

  • direction the user capturing the photo was facing

This can instantly add context to a photo that is otherwise too zoomed in or out.

Note: If the map icon is grayed out, the photo was mostly likely captured on a device and uploaded to CompanyCam later.

✔️ Showcases Updates

For a couple of years now, Showcases have helped contractors easily show off their work on their websites.

We’ve tweaked how you select photos for your Showcases based on user feedback. Instead of having every photo automatically included, you now choose the photos you want to use to tell the project’s story.

✔️ Payments

We added Payments to help you collect payments while you’re on the go.

Think of it like a Venmo or PayPal to collect deposits or other small amounts during a project.

✔️ Offline Mode Enhancements

Because so many of our users work in areas with poor reception — mountains, basements, the boonies — we added more functionality and usability to our Offline Mode this year.

In addition to adding photos to recent projects, you can continue using Project Tasks and mark/​unmark checklist sections. We also added the waiting to upload” icon to photos and videos taken during Offline Mode. Stay tuned for more to come!

This list doesn’t even include all of the awesome integrations we’ve launched this year with our partners!

And plenty more is coming this year, including new AI advancements and updates to many core features and functionality!

For the latest in feature releases, stay tuned to your email or sign up for our upcoming classes to be the first to know.

Christian is known round these parts as the silent wizard — whipping out editing, researching, and strategizing skills like it’s nobody’s biz. As a Content Strategist, he stays busy assisting our Product and Activation/​Retention teams with all their content needs — all while staying as quiet as possible. (Heaven forbid he’d talk too much.) 

After work, Christian can be found hanging out with his beautiful wife Ruth, playing catch with his dog Sunday, rewatching that one Indian reality TV episode he starred in (#famous), or making dumb vides on his fine. Go on, Christian. Share your work with the class.

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