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From Search to Service: The Impact of Google Reviews on Home Services Businesses

From search to service the impact of google reviews on home services businesses header

Today, customers are heavily reliant on the Internet to make purchasing decisions.

You yourself count on online reviews to gauge the quality and reputation of what you’re about to buy.

So, if you’re a business owner keen on being chosen by today’s discerning customers, you need to make sure that your online presence is in good shape.

Customer reviews, both positive and negative, have considerable power in influencing people’s buying choices.

That’s why online reviews matter for your business and are crucial for driving sales, establishing trust, and enhancing your company’s visibility online. NiceJob is here to help!

The Power of Customer Reviews on Purchasing Decisions

Customer reviews provide real-life experiences from fellow consumers and can majorly impact a company’s reputation.

Even one bad review in a highly visible place can have repercussions for your business, and you may have to do some serious damage control.

In fact, a study done by Moz found that a company could lose up to 22% of its business due to a single negative review.

On the flip side, the power of positive reviews means you’re (for the most part) in control of your business’s reputation.

You can harness this powerful tool to build your credibility and attract new customers by giving fantastic service and requesting reviews after a job.

This control empowers you to shape your business’s image in the eyes of potential customers and turn your positive reviews into one of your biggest assets.

Social Proof Drives Sales

Online reviews are considered social proof,’ a psychological phenomenon where people make decisions based on what they see others doing.

This concept is incredibly impactful for driving sales in the home services sector, where discerning customers won’t trust just anyone with their property.

Have you ever read an online review that said something along these lines?

I decided to try these guys based on all of the amazing reviews I read about them online, and I’m sure glad I did because the service I got was beyond 5 stars.”

On the flip side, have you ever seen a company with no recent reviews?

Potential customers are often hesitant to engage with these types of businesses. This lack of recent feedback may create uncertainty and lead people to seek alternatives with more current and up-to-date reviews.

Consumers trust online reviews simply because they reflect genuine customer experiences and a business’s current state.

A written review that includes an image, like a before-and-after shot, can enhance its potency and help convert new customers by giving them a visual representation of the quality of your work.

That’s where CompanyCam’s integration with NiceJob truly shines!


Taking some of your best reviews and reusing them in your advertising is an easy way to get extra mileage on the positive social proof your business has collected.

This is also known as reputation marketing.

Featuring your customer feedback in marketing materials offers credible endorsements and boosts consumer trust in your company’s ability to deliver on its promises.

Enhancing Your Company’s Online Visibility

Okay, now we know that online reviews influence purchasing decisions. But they also play a crucial role in enhancing your company’s online visibility.

For example, the more reviews and activity your Google Business Profile receives, the more likely Google is to show it when a customer searches for a local business like yours.

In fact, reviews make up a hefty proportion of Google’s ranking formula.

Google’s algorithm prioritizes businesses that actively generate reviews, respond to them, and update their business information (e.g., business hours, phone numbers, etc.).

If you’d like your company to be easily findable online, make sure you have a strategy for keeping your online profiles on Google and beyond up-to-date with the most current information and keep generating a steady stream of customer feedback.


Create a copy/​paste message for yourself and your employees so you’re asking for a review after completing every job.

You can even give your client a few bullet points to get them started, like asking them to mention the type of service they had, the area of town they’re in, or the name of the employee who did the work. You can also ask them to include a photo of the finished work to add to their review.

By naturally integrating relevant keywords and images within your reviews and maintaining a steady flow of positive feedback, you can enhance your online visibility in the areas and the jobs you’re looking to attract.

Strengthening Customer Relationships Through Reviews

Online reviews are not just about attracting new customers; they also play a crucial role in strengthening relationships with existing ones.

They provide a platform for open communication and a way to show your customers that their feedback is valued, fostering a sense of connection and loyalty.

Responding to Positive Reviews

Acknowledging positive reviews can turn satisfied customers into brand advocates. Responding to these reviews strengthens customer relationships and demonstrates a commitment to service.

Promptly responding to positive feedback reflects a friendly and open company image. And clients who feel appreciated are more likely to become loyal customers.


Go beyond a simple thanks” by asking your happy customers to refer their friends.

You can even incentivize them to spread the word by offering them special discounts or additional service add-ons for every new customer they refer.

Addressing Negative Reviews Constructively

Addressing negative feedback constructively can turn dissatisfied customers into repeat buyers. 

Sincerely apologizing and offering solutions to rectify issues is crucial. Acknowledge, apologize, and address their concerns.

This process retains customers and improves your business’s reputation when handled well.

Setting up alerts and staying active on your review platforms helps monitor customer feedback effectively. Quickly resolving issues and responding personably shows that your company cares.


Create a simple playbook for yourself and your staff so that any time negative feedback comes your way, you have a structured approach to solving the problem and de-escalating any issues.

Wrapping Up

Online reviews are a vital component of modern business strategy. They influence purchasing decisions, enhance online visibility, and strengthen customer relationships.

By prioritizing the collection and management of reviews, you can build trust, drive sales, and boost search engine rankings, ultimately thriving in today’s competitive market.

Start leveraging the power of online reviews today to build a stronger, more reputable brand, or speak with a NiceJob Specialist to learn more.

Shan is a content marketer passionate about empowering small businesses with creative marketing solutions. When not creating content, Shan enjoys exploring new hiking trails and photographing nature’s beauty.

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