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CompanyCam Class Recap: What’s New in CompanyCam (June 2023)

Companycam class recap whats new in companycam june 2023 header

Our product development team has been hard at work adding features and modifying workflows to help make CompanyCam more efficient for you in 2023!

From electronic signatures and project templates to improved search capabilities and collaboration, here’s a short list of what we’ve launched in the first part of the year.

And stay tuned to the end to see what’s on deck.

What’s New?

Here’s rundown of everything we’ve launched so far this year.


We received dozens of requests in your product inbox for a simple way to collect signatures on documents our users had in their accounts. In February, we launched Signatures! 

Project Templates

Get to work faster than ever in CompanyCam with Project Templates! This feature allows you to automatically apply your Report and Checklist templates to any new project you create in CompanyCam.

This is perfect if your team’s work and documentation are regimented on each job, e.g., HVAC maintenance, roof inspection, product warranties, etc.

Even better? These work smoothly with our integrations, so if you create a CompanyCam project from a CRM, your template will automatically be applied. Note this is a Premium feature.

Assigning Users to Projects + Checklist Tasks

We’ve also made it easier to make sure that you and your team are working on the right projects and the right tasks:

  • Assigning projects. Make sure your crew members are working on the right jobs each day by assigning them to the correct project in CompanyCam.
  • Assigning Checklist tasks. You can now assign users to checklists tasks so everyone knows what to look at and do when they’re on site.
Companycam class recap whats new in companycam june 2023 1

Collaborators + Collaborating on Checklists

Collaborating in CompanyCam is nothing new. But we updated the invitation flow and opened up checklists to collaboration:

Previously, you had too many settings to toggle between when inviting a collaborator to your project. Now, when you send the link (and your collaborator accepts), they can add photos, view photos, and leave comments in the project they’re added to.

Collaborators with Premium or Elite accounts can now view checklists in the projects you add them to! And they can also add their own Checklists to the project.

If you frequently work with subcontractors, you’ll both be able to communicate more clearly and finish jobs faster.

Deep Links

Previously, when you clicked a project link on your phone or iPad, it would open CompanyCam in a mobile browser.

Now it opens up the project right away in the CompanyCam app, saving you a few steps (and the slight annoyance of using the mobile browser experience).

Admins and dispatchers will love this because you can now drop the project link into your CRM or even Google Calendar to your techs, and they’ll be able to open the project and get right to work when they arrive on site.

The And’ Filter

We’ve always had an Or” logic when searching and sorting your photos with tags. For example, if you select skylight and water damage tags, you will see photos with either of those tags applied.

Using the same example with our new And” logic, you’ll only see photos with both tags applied. It’s a minor update but it will help you refine and find the photos you need faster.

What’s Coming?

Enough about what we’ve already done. Here’s a sneak peek of a few things we have planned for the summer months.

@Mention Groups in Comments

We recently launched group mentions in the project conversation. And you all liked that so much that we’re planning to add that to photo comments.

Now you can ensure that your entire team is alerted of something they need to view regarding a job. We’re also going to update our notifications tab with more abilities to sort, read, and navigate.

Camera UI Updates

We’re going to make the camera easier to use and put tools and actions in places where you won’t accidentally thumb something you’re not trying to use.

This is live to a small number of users, and once we get their feedback, you’ll see it live in an upcoming update! 🤳

Mobile Signing on Signatures

You like Signatures, but you need them on the go. We’ve got a team working on that. 

All this, and I didn’t even have time to get into all the new integrations we’ve launched and updated this year, including Zoho CRM, HubSpot, Pipedrive, and Jobber. And we’ve opened up more features to be used in Zapier to help you integrate CompanyCam with the work you do in other apps we don’t have a direct integration with.

There’s a ton more to come this year, so stay tuned to your preferred app store and our emails for more release announcements! ✌️

Christian is known round these parts as the silent wizard — whipping out editing, researching, and strategizing skills like it’s nobody’s biz. As a Content Strategist, he stays busy assisting our Product and Activation/​Retention teams with all their content needs — all while staying as quiet as possible. (Heaven forbid he’d talk too much.) 

After work, Christian can be found hanging out with his beautiful wife Ruth, playing catch with his dog Sunday, rewatching that one Indian reality TV episode he starred in (#famous), or making dumb vides on his fine. Go on, Christian. Share your work with the class.

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