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Close More Deals with Video Walkthroughs to Showcase Your Work

video walkthrough mode

In the sales game, the right visuals are more than just eye candy — they’re your secret weapon. And nothing slams the point home like a killer video walkthrough. 

Whether you’re in real estate, construction, or any trade that involves space and structure, mastering the art of the video walkthrough can catapult your closing rates through the roof. 

Let’s dive into how you can leverage this dynamic tool to not only show off your projects but also seal the deal with confidence.

Why Video Walkthroughs?

Picture this: your potential client is considering several options. They’re flipping through brochures, scrolling through photos, and yes, yawning through some not-so-great sales pitches. 

Now, enter your video walkthrough—a dynamic, engaging tour of your latest project. 

This isn’t just another piece of collateral. It’s an immersive experience that places your client right in the middle of your best work.

Building Rapport with Personalized Content

Video walkthroughs do more than showcase a space; they create a personalized experience that can build rapport before you even shake hands. By guiding a prospective client through a project with the narrative tailored to their needs, you subtly communicate that you understand and care about their unique preferences and challenges.

Making a Lasting Impression

A well-executed jobsite or home walkthrough video serves as a powerful visual testimonial of your capabilities and attention to detail. It’s about making a lasting impression, showing your potential clients not just what you’ve done but how you’ve done it. 

This visual journey can highlight the intricacies and craftsmanship that might go unnoticed in static images or blueprints.

Best Practices for Creating Compelling Video Walkthroughs

Creating a video that captivates and convinces can sound daunting, but with the right approach, you’re set to make a mark. Here’s how:

1. Plan Your Route

Before you hit record, plan your walkthrough route. Highlight key features and plan the order in which you’ll show them. Think of it as storytelling — each step should build on the last and lead seamlessly to the next.

2. Keep It Steady

Invest in a gimbal or stabilizer for your smartphone or camera to keep your footage smooth. Shaky videos can distract from the beauty of your work and make the experience less enjoyable.

3. Light It Right

Natural light works best to illuminate your space in a flattering way. However, ensure the area is well-lit to avoid grainy or dim footage. The goal is to present a clear and inviting picture.

4. Add a Personal Touch

Consider starting or ending your video with a quick introduction or conclusion delivered directly by you. This can add a personal touch and connect the viewer to a real person behind the camera.

5. Give Context

These videos also give you a great chance to stop and share more details on why a certain area requires more attention and time or highlight your craft and creativity. Even if it’s bad news” delivering it to the client while they see your face eases their anxieties about what’s next.

Video Walkthrough with AI Note

Typing is out, talking is in. With CompanyCam’s AI Walkthrough Note feature, you can ditch the clipboard and do your thing. Walk your site, snap some pics, and just talk through what you see. Our AI does the heavy lifting, turning your spoken words and photos into a slick, professional PDF that’s ready to go wherever you are.

Walk, Talk, and Build

Pull up to your site, whip out your phone, and start your tour. As you chat about what’s happening and snap photos, Walkthrough Note’s AI stitches everything into an editable page. Forget scribbling notes that you can’t read later — document everything digitally on the spot, and keep those details crystal clear.

Why Use a Walkthrough Note?

  • Save Time: Talk through your tour while the AI writes it down.

  • Boost Collaboration: Instantly share your pro-level docs with the team or clients.

  • Look Sharp: Turn raw footage into polished docs that scream pro.”

Competitive Edge

In today’s competitive market, a video walkthrough or Walkthrough Note can be the difference between a signed contract and a missed opportunity. It demonstrates professionalism, capability, and commitment to quality, with minimal effort on your part.

virtual walkthrough video AI note feature

Ready to Kick Your Walkthroughs Up a Notch?

Ditch the hassle and let technology do the heavy lifting. Schedule a demo to discover how our Walkthrough Note feature can revolutionize your sales process. 

Already a customer? Upgrade to Premium for full access to our suite of AI-powered tools — transform your walkthroughs from good to great and watch your closing rates soar!

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Audrey is the content strategist who knows that good SEO isn’t just about getting to the top of the search results — it’s about getting to the heart of what users need. She’s got a sixth sense for what gets people clicking and chatting, and she’s all about creating content that helps our users build trust and grow their businesses. 

When she’s off the clock, you might find Audrey climbing a mountain, grooving her way around a music festival, or catching up on her favorite reality shows.

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