2021 was a heck of a ride
Scroll to see some top hits of Security Termite and Pest Control’s year with CompanyCam

projects made
That's a whole lotta job documentation goin' down.
photos taken
Which equals fewer calls from office Brenda asking for status updates.
(No offense to the Brendas of CompanyCam.)

galleries created
Keeping clients in the know has never been so easy (or looked so good).
zip codes visited
It's probably time for an oil change, my friend.

Enough about you.
Here are some of our headlines

Luke haircuts
Not sure what was longer—his mullet or his growing list of HR violations (for legal reasons, this is a joke).
dollars raised
And subsequently, 20 meltdowns were had by Tullen—our head of finance. We're pumped to invest that money back into our product and customers (you!). And don't worry, Tullen made a full recovery.

Traeger smoker purchased for the office
We're allowed to have 0 smokers, FYI, but Brian is really hoping our landlord has a change of heart.
t-shirts given away
Gift-giving is our love language and nothing makes us happier than seeing you rock CoCam swag. Want your very own t-shirt, sweatshirt, or backpack?
Refer a friend and we'll hook you up.

Four features launched
Our product team wasn't messing around. (Psst—check out showcases, project collaboration, to-do lists, and mobile reports if you haven't already.)

80 Company Campers hired
Seeing new faces every week makes our hearts swell.

1 new office
Look good, feel good, work good—or something like that.