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Marketing Your Business During Social Distancing


Here at CompanyCam, we’ve been taking this work-from-home time to really pivot our focus and brainstorm what kind of content our customers — and anyone in the industry — might need to see right now. We’ve really ramped up our webinar efforts and are bringing on different industry pros and experts multiple times a week to discuss a huge array of topics, so be sure to check out any upcoming webinars (and watch past videos) here.

On March 24th, our very own Michael Gogan sat down with Joseph Hughes (Contractor Dynamics) and Hunter Ballew (Cornerstone Construction) to discuss how contracting businesses and leaders can alter their marketing strategy and make the most out of this time. You can watch the full webinar here, but we’ll cover the big themes they discussed here! 

You can view all of our COVID-19 resources here.

There were quite a few golden nuggets in this webinar, but one line I keep coming back to is that this isn’t about surviving the storm,’ it’s about learning to thrive in challenging situations. 

Adjust Your Mindset: One of the biggest takeaways from talking with Hunter and Joseph was adjusting your mindset, and the mindset of your team. If you as a leader are looking at the situation as a setback, then your team will too. Instead, try to focus on the positive. Be thankful for the opportunity to be working — Hunter shared a great story about a delivery driver who helped his team out in the pouring rain and expressed that he was just thankful to still be working, that mindset is hugely important. 

Some other key takeaways from our chat about mindset — 

  • Be adaptable. People still need your services, your communities are still counting on you, but you’ll more than likely have to abandon some of your tried-and-true practices during social distancing. I’ll go into more detail in a bit.
  • Prepare for the comeback. One of my favorite sayings I’ve seen come out of all of this is the comeback is always stronger than the setback.” Use this time of slower business or lead flow to prepare your company for the comeback. Now is a great time to be putting standard systems and processes in place, getting your company organized, and everyone on the same page.
  • Build relationships. If you’re finding you and your staff have some more time on your hands than usual, do something for your community. Building solid relationships and a great brand name during a difficult time for so many is something you’ll see returns on for years to come.
  • Pivot if you need to. Do you typically refer repair work or smaller jobs elsewhere? Well, quit doing that. No job is too small for your team to take care of. Being excited to tackle any job that comes your way is a mindset shift you have to make. 

Address the Elephant: It’s no secret that COVID-19 is affecting nearly every aspect of our lives, so what good does ignoring it do? Rather, you should be facing the issue head on and directly addressing what your company is doing to keep clients comfortable and safe. Have you ramped up sanitation efforts? Implemented new technology? Increased your options for financing? Let the people know!

  • Get in front of the camera. As uncomfortable as it might seem at first, shooting a quick video explaining how you and your company are addressing COVID-19 and community concerns is a great way to get your message out. Video posts on social media outperform every other kind of post, so if you want people to hear you — lights, camera, action.
  • Offer walkthroughs and tutorials. If you’ve implemented new software (which you definitely should) and need to get customers comfortable with it, offer to hop on a Zoom call with them and walk them through how it works for both parties. Being patient and understanding will go a long way, and customers will appreciate that you’re taking their health and safety seriously. 

Implement New Tech: If you’ve been putting off leaning into technology, now’s the perfect time to dive in headfirst. Not only will you bring your company up to speed with all the latest offerings that construction tech has to offer, but you’ll also show past and potential clients that you’re adapting to the current climate and are actively seeking to improve their experience. 

There’s a lot to break down when it comes to tech — 

  • Video calls & screen sharing. Get Zoom! Get it now! No, we are not being paid to plug them, but holy cow Zoom has been a lifesaver here at CompanyCam. Super easy to set up, free to use, and it makes screen sharing simple! If you need to walk clients through plans, invoices, photos, etc. you can share your screen with the click of a button and easily show, not just tell, what the project requires.
  • Amp up your photo documentation. You didn’t think we’d go this whole blog without a little self promo, did you? CompanyCam is the easiest way to snap, store, and share photos with homeowners, subcontractors, and any other stakeholders. We’ve also heard from our users that adding a homeowner as a Guest User has been a huge help in reducing the amount of time they have to spend in the home or onsite for estimates.
  • Offer e‑signing. DocuSign is a great tool for collecting e‑signatures and keeping projects moving across the finish line.
  • Start digital door-knocking. Can’t get out and door knock anymore? Don’t let that hold you back. Now is a great time to dip your toes into the world of digital advertising. Facebook is a great way started and it makes targeting your ads pretty straightforward. Joseph covers this briefly, but we also have a dedicated Digital Door Knocking webinar for you where we go into detail on the ads manager, targeting, and best practices.
  • Ask past customers for online reviews. Now more than ever, folks are turning to internet searches before booking any sort of service. Doing a quick email out to your past customers and asking them to leave you a review is a great way to boost your search result placement.

Looking for ways to thrive, not just survive, this COVID-19 storm is hugely important for you and your company. This is a time where most folks are surrounded by a great deal of uncertainty, but that doesn’t mean their HVAC system isn’t going to break, their roof isn’t going to leak, or anything else is going to wait for this COVID craziness to pass. Being proactive and putting processes and systems in place now to address future concerns is crucial. 

Find ways to set your business apart, ensure that you’re doing everything in your power to keep your team and your customers safe and healthy, and take action! 

Remember, you can watch the full webinar here. Be sure to check out all of our other webinars while you’re at it! 

Jordan Small is a Product Marketing Manager, focused on integrations. She spends her days working alongside our Product team and our industry partners to create impactful content and experiences to educate our CompanyCam users and drive feature adoption. When she clocks out, Jordan enjoys losing at darts, watching stand up comedy specials, and attempting to convince everyone she’s a real 90’s kid.

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