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5 Most Requested Features and What We’re Doing about Them [Updated]


At CompanyCam, we do our best to listen to our users and add in newly requested features. Our five most requested features are collaborators, published website projects, video, updated reports, and to-do lists. Our product has been ON IT! Read below for our updates on those features. 

*spoiler alert — we’ve added them all!*

The CompanyCam team is striving to build a tool that every contractor needs on the job site. For example, you need a hammer, you need nails, and you need CompanyCam. 

Our goal is to make CompanyCam incredibly powerful and stable. Only then will we win the hearts of loyal users and potential users of our software. 

We love feedback from our existing users. We consider their critiques as we pioneer forward. Here are a few features we aimed to complete:


Collaborating with individuals outside CompanyCam brings up bad memories: cluttered folders and long email chains. Switching from CompanyCam to these old processes for subtractors and other companies was an issue we heard of frequently. The time they earned from CompanyCam was then being wasted on communication with other companies.

So we got to work.

CompanyCam’s project collaboration feature allows you to invite outside contractors to your CompanyCam projects. They will be able to view, add, and shape photos to the app.

Now everyone’s on the same page, and our users will have all control over their collaborators’ access.

Showcases — Publish Projects to Your Website

We started CompanyCam to help contractors organize photos and deliver information to the rest of the company in real-time. Fewer phone calls, less driving around, while everyone knows what all is going on is the goal. 

But, with all this documentation, our users want to use their project photos in their marketing. Why would they not?

We saw and heard this need and went for it! We want to make it easy for CompanyCam users to display their project photos on their website. With the click of a button, projects will automatically load from CompanyCam onto your website. 

We just finished putting this feature together! The CompanyCam showcases feature is already being utilized by many. Showcases help our user impress their customers with their projects. And in turn, it helps them attract more business: win-win.


Lots of people ask about this. So we made it our priority to add in a CompanyCam video feature.

Originally our product team built out a 20-second video feature. Our users were pleased but asked for more. We settled on offering a 2‑minute video feature. With video documentation, you can gather real-time footage, provide better context, and explain easier.

Videos are significantly larger files. So we have to be considerate about how much data our customers use. Felt like 2 minutes was the sweet spot!

Photos are overwhelmingly the simplest, most powerful way to capture information in the field. Videos, however, contribute an added layer to documentation: sound.

Our video feature added a ton of value to our app. For example, if you’re working on a mechanical system, a photo wouldn’t cut it. Taking a video, on the other hand, will include sound and any relevant movement. We understood adding this feature was a must!

Updated and Mobile Reports

Updating our report feature AND adding in a mobile reports feature has been high on our priority list. Lucky for you, our product team is made of absolute ROCKSTARS. They have this new feature up n running!

As we evaluated our past report options and listened to our users, we learned that our reports should do more. Reports should be powerful. Our customers told us the reports need a little more firepower, a little more dynamic — and we agree.

Customers should be able to build reports out in the field — easy peasy. We believe a contractor should be able to make a roof inspection report, a home plumbing system report, a roof estimating report, and/​or a daily log report. And NOW THEY CAN!

Our desktop reports feature is updated, and we are now offering a mobile reports feature.

Reports allow for teams to decide what questions need answers. Within CompanyCam, all the photos and projects are well-organized — which crew members can then convert into reports.

The reports are cool. They add firepower.

To-Do Lists

What’s more annoying than having to drive back to a job site because someone forgot an important step? CompanyCam users have been requesting to-do lists for a while now, and we understood the need. 

As of November 2021, to-do lists are available to all Pro and Premium users.

To-do lists will now guarantee nothing gets missed. With to-do lists, you can standardize your process. By offering your crew an easy-to-follow list of procedures and protocols, say goodbye to missed assignments and unnecessary visits to job sites. 

These lists can also be a pain reliever for onboarding new crew members, too. Providing an already established checklist — with all the necessary steps for each job — will ensure quality and clear standards. The CompanyCam to-do lists supply you with the ability to reuse the most important lists and see progress at a glance: a win-win.

We’re always working on a lot of cool features here. We know they make CompanyCam more powerful for contractors in the field.

Every day we work hard to build a tool that every contractor needs on the job site. Many of our current users wonder how they worked before their experience with CompanyCam! 

Our new features are rolling out all the time, so keep your eyes peeled. If you haven’t already, try CompanyCam right now. No card is required for sign-up!

Luke spends his days supplying vision, acquiring funds, hiring the best folks around, and distracting all the smart people he’s hired with long-winded anecdotes. Luke’s mission is to get CompanyCam in the hands of every contractor on the planet, and he won’t rest until he’s done. When Luke isn’t speaking at high volume on the phone, he’s golfing, spending time with his kids, tweeting nonsense, and beating teenagers in Fortnite on the reg. He also has a supremely handsome mullet and mustache combo, but he told us to say that.

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